Year 10 History
Year 10 History
Year 10 students do a full year of Social Science, consisting of one semester of History and one semester of Geography. The history semester consists of the Australian Curriculum: History unit “The Modern World and Australia”. This unit presents an overview of Australian History from 1918-Present. Depth Studies for this unit may include: World War II, Rights and Freedoms, The Globalising World.
Key questions for consideration in this unit are:
How did the nature of global conflict change during the twentieth century?
What were the consequences of World War II? How did these consequences shape the modern world?
How was Australian society affected by other significant global events and changes in this period?
By the end of this unit students will be expected to be able to:
- Demonstrates an understanding of the significance of World War II
- Uses historical terms and concepts to sequence events and developments in the 20th century including the Second World War and struggles for human rights and freedoms
- Identifies and analyses the differing perspectives of people from the past
- Constructs a written argument using essay structure, reword my essay processes, synthesises and evaluates evidence from a range primary and secondary sources that are acknowledged
- Uses communication forms such as an oral or graphic report to demonstrate knowledge of an important 20th century concept
Elective History
In addition to this Australian Curriculum unit, students are able to elect to study an extra thematic history unit of one semester duration. The two options for this are:
Disasters in History
This unit deals with human disasters and their effects on society and individuals. Disasters have generally had tragic consequences but have also brought out the best in the people who tried to overcome them. The term “disasters” will be interpreted in a very broad sense for the purposes of this study. Specific disastrous incidents will be drawn from: Naval and Aeronautical disasters; Natural disasters; Medical disasters; Environmental and Industrial disasters.
Warfare through the Ages
This unit deals with the history of warfare and its effects on society and individuals. Warfare has been a tragic constant throughout human history but has also had immense effects on culture and has directed the course of humanity. Specific case studies will cover the development of war in the western hemisphere throughout Ancient, Medieval, Industrial and Post-industrial eras.