Reflection Days
All Daramalan students are given the opportunity to participate in reflection days. The aim of these days is to provide students with the opportunity to reflect on a particular topic, how they find meaning and purpose in their lives and their relationships, including with God.
The Year 7 Reflection Day is titled, “Being MSC”. On this day, Year 7 students rotate through sessions on the MSC Charism and the College’s themes. The sessions are prepared and facilitated by the Year 10 Youth Ministry students using the Youth Ministry model, CPR (Connection, Proclamation and Response).
The College’s Year 8 students participate in a half day reflection in their Pastoral Tutor groups called “Heart Renewal”. On this day, students consider their relationships and how they can be damaged by hurtful words and actions. They are given time to contemplate the role ‘forgiveness’ plays in renewing their hearts and restoring damaged relationships.
In Year 9, students participate in the “Catch the Wave” program. This program provides students with the opportunity to reflect on where they are, in their current faith journey, but it is also an introduction to Youth Ministry. Following this reflection day, students have the opportunity to apply to be in the Youth Ministry class for their Religious Education stream in Year 10.
The Year 10 Reflection Day is facilitated by Chris Doyle from Karis Ministries. Using music, humour and interactive activities, Chris prompts students to think about the things that give their life meaning and purpose, and the sort of person they want to be.
Year 11 spends “A Day of Hope” with Glen Gerreyn. During this day they reflect on how they can create hope in their lives through goal setting and are challenged to see the barriers and obstacles they encounter as learning opportunities.
Year 12 participates in a three-day reflection at Stanwell Tops. The theme of this two-night camp is, “With Hope in Our Heart”. Students have an opportunity to reflect on where they have come from and where they are going as they carve out a hopeful future for themselves. They explore their own hearts and the values and qualities they have that will hold them steady as they navigate their post-school future.
Finally, the Daramalan College staff also have opportunities to participate in reflection days and be formed in the Catholic faith and MSC ethos. These opportunities include an annual whole staff Spirituality Day as well as participation in programs run by the Chevalier Institute which is a MS Ministry that facilitates and supports the faith formation of the staff in MSC schools.