
Home / Our School / Academic

Daramalan College has a long and proud tradition of comprehensive and engaging Academic programs designed to cater for all our students in Years 7-12.

Our Academic programs can be accessed from the links below.  Information about the courses offered can be accessed in the downloadable PDF Handbooks below.

Years 7 to 10 Guide to Courses and Handbook for 2025

Years 11 and 12 Guide to Courses and Handbook for 2025

Believing that the heart of education is education of the heart, Daramalan College aims to help all students grow into the kind of people they are meant to be before God and each other. The school seeks to offer an education that not only prepares young people for life, intellectually and socially, but also grounds them in a sureness about their future and their values.

Staff members strive to create a learning environment that reflects the spirit of Christ in a strong and faithful way, and calls forth the best in all those who are part of the school. To engender in our students a strong belief in God’s love as manifested through the heart of Jesus, we need to be a Christian community developing the gospel spirit of freedom, loyalty and concern for one another.

Daramalan College promotes Academic Care by:

  • providing opportunities to develop an understanding of the strong links between learning, well-being and resilience
  • believing that all students can succeed in their learning
  • monitoring student connectedness to the learning environment
  • stimulating student engagement with learning
  • providing learning experiences that are relevant to their lives
  • fostering high expectations of all learners
  • engaging staff and students in dialogue about understanding learning
  • enhancing positive psycho-social and developmental outcomes through protective factors
  • utilising a range of support networks and resources and implementing structures and programs in response to diverse student needs.

Daramalan Staff promote Academic Care by:

  • modelling respect and fairness
  • using pedagogies that strengthen the links between learning, well-being and resilience
  • supporting individual needs and learning styles
  • offering authentic learning experiences
  • encouraging opportunities for reflection in learning
  • embedding assessment for learning within classroom practices
  • developing quality learning environments where students enjoy learning, are motivated, self-directed and feel empowered to take risks as learners
  • demonstrating clear and consistent behaviour and learning expectations
  • developing relationships that allow all students to feel valued, safe and supported.